Loo Trading Garage Doors from the US leading garage door manufacturers Northwest. Northwest Door An industry leader in technical innovation and design for Since 1946, Northwest Door manufactures high quality North American made steel, wood, aluminum residential and commercial sectional garage doors. Website – www.nwdusa.com
The sectional door panels are constructed in sandwich-type with foam. This method of construction has proven itself to be the superior among the doors. The sandwich type construction will protect the house from climatic changes. Galvanized pre-painted steel skins are used to make the outside and inside portion.
Sectional doors open vertically upwards and are suspended under the ceiling to save space. This construction principle means you can make full use of the space inside and in front of the garage. Sectional garage doors can be fitted in every garage door opening, and offer more passage width than up-and-over doors. Flexible and weather-resistant seals on all four sides of the sectional doors ensure that they are optimally sealed.